Free Home Based Business

A free home based business could be for you if your looking to make some extra cash but have little online experience or little money.
By starting with a free home business you will gain the experience and the funding you will need to really take your earnings to the next level. You will learn what works and what doesn’t. The risk with this business model is nothing - so you have nothing to lose!
Any one can be successful, but it does take time and lots of it. Having some funding will speed the process up and a good strategy is to use half of your profits towards paid advertising.
Here’s what you need to build your first home business:

Find a free affiliate program with a wide range of products, for your home business. This way you will be able to experiment with different markets to find which one, works for you.
As a start consider joining the Clickbank program. They have been in business for many years and have hundreds of thousand of products for you to promote. You can find out more about Clickbank by following this link Clickbank.
Now that you have a range of products select a few that you have a personal interest in, which are low priced and which will have appeal to a wide range of people.

Research the keywords for your products. These are the words people will enter into search engines to find your products. There is an excellent tool over at DigitalPoint. I suggest you select five keywords from your area of interest. Make sure they are down the list a bit to ensure you can get to the top of search engine rankings with them quickly.

Now you have some products you need a website to promote them with. This can easily be done by starting a free blog. Later on you will want to host your own blog but this is a good starting place.
Go to Blogger and setup your blog.
Then write lots of articles around the subject of each your keywords. Make sure the content is unique an original. As a bare minimum post 1 article per day for 30 days then after that at least one per week.
Within each article embed links to your products. Not too many only one or two per page.
Once you have a good supply of pages in your blog (30 days) apply to Google for a Google Adsense account. Experiment with Ad placement to find the most profitable positions.

Now all you need to do is promote your site and keep posting fresh content.

Place links to your blog on every other website which is related to your topic.
Submit your blog to as many webdirectories as you can. There is an excellent list of free web directories at Directory Critic. Follow this link to check it out: Directory Critic Make sure you use your keywords as the title to your directory listing.
Write and submit an article per week with your blog URL in the bio line
Put a link to your blog in your emails.
Each time you post an article be sure to tell the world. You do this by issuing a “ping” to RSS feed directories. Follow the instructions at Pingomatic.
“Claim” your blog at Technorati
Find a number of active forums and post helpful messages making sure your blog URL is included in your signature line.
You will be successful in this free home based business when you get as many links back to your blog as possible. Target 500 to 1000 links for each keyword.
The more people who see your links the more traffic to your blog and the more sales you will make.